Over 33 Years of Specializing In Selling Quality Pre-owned Trucks & Equipment In Metro-Atlanta
About Sagon Trucks
Sagon Trucks has been in business since 1990 selling and servicing bucket trucks, digger derricks, material handlers, cranes, grapple trucks and more throughout the South to businesses in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina and Florida.
Sagon Trucks began renting and leasing bucket trucks at the beginning of 2011 to companies that have purchased aerial lift trucks from Sagon over the last 20 years.

These companies include power companies, tree companies, forestry companies, telecommunication companies, sign companies, electrical companies and other utility companies. Many of these companies need aerial lift equipment for short term projects where a rental is more feasible than a purchase.
Our History – Over 33 Years of Service
Craig Sagon’s Passion For Restoring The Life Back Into Equipment Began When He Was Just A Boy.
As a kid, he bought old bicycles, lawn mowers, and go carts, brought them back to life then sold them. He started his young salesman journey through placing ads in the little Atlanta advertising book, where people then contacted him to buy whatever he was selling at the time.
On top of his young entrepreneur skills, at 19 Craig took on the role of running his father’s shop at Sagon Motorhomes. He knew from the beginning of managing the shop that he did not want to become a motorhome salesman, so he decided to rent a bay from his uncle to start selling big trucks on his own. After 3 years, he decided he wanted to expand his sales by starting his own business at the age of 22, the birth of Sagon Trucks & Equipment began with a small loan from his super supporting father.
The Year Was 1989, And Craig Was An Eager 22 Year Old With The American Dream Of Starting His Own Business.
He applied for a business license and a dealer’s license with the help of his eldest brother. Craig recalls that he worked 7 days a week, barely taking any money home. He sold old beat up dump trucks and road tractors that he restored. He searched for old treasures that he could fix at county sales and bought trucks that most times didn’t even run.
A memory that really stands out is the time he went to one sale that had 15 dump trucks that didn’t even run; some of the trucks didn’t even have rear ends or transmissions. Craig approached the auctioneer and asked if he could work on the trucks there then drive them home once they would run, he said the auctioneer looked at him, laughed, then said, “if you can get these old trucks running, you can work here as long as you want, but good luck to you!”
After 5 Years In Business His Dad Came To His Shop And Told Him That He Needed To Take One Kind Of Truck, Make And Model, And Just Sell That Kind Of Truck.
Craig looked at his inventory of bucket trucks, road tractors, and dump trucks, then told his dad that he really enjoyed working on bucket trucks the most because of the tree guys, cable guys, and power guys that purchase them.
When you purchase a truck from Sagon Trucks & Equipment you know the truck is in great condition & isn’t just a truck with a shiny paint job. A lot of the sales made at Sagon Trucks lead to life long friendships with the family owned business. The atmosphere at Sagon Trucks & Equipment is a blue collar, American owned, brotherhood of qualified mechanics. When comparing Sagon Trucks to competitors, you will never be just a number on a sales ticket to Craig and his guys. Sagon Trucks & Equipment embodies the American dream and the hard work that comes with turning that dream into reality!

Why Choose Sagon Trucks?
Sagon Trucks ability to acquire specialty equipment like bucket trucks, digger derricks, material handlers, cranes, grapple trucks and forestry trucks allows companies to have easy access to inventory when the need arises.
Sagon Trucks also has the ability to acquire well recognized makes and models that companies prefer to work with like Altec, Hi-Ranger, Telsta, Reach All, Posi-Plus, Terrex, General, Teco, International, Lift-All, Freightliner, GMC and Ford.

There are only a few aerial lift equipment companies in the United States with such a wide range of inventory to choose from as Sagon Trucks aerial lift inventory. Sagon Truck’s Inventory consists of a variety of booms to pick from. Boom heights from 29′ to 110′, elevators, double elevators, digger derricks with sheave heights up to 75′, knuckle booms and squirt booms.